Ok, went to the eGames expo today with my brother. It was my birthday present to him.
Fffrrreeeaaakkkiiinnn' aaawwweeesssooommme. Didn't know what Rocky was talking about when he told me it was boring. Good sir, learn what fun is.
So we caught the 11:09am train, and got there at who-knows-what-time because we walked from Flinders Station to the exhibition centre. Good exercise though. First and foremost, we decided to look around when we got there. Then we decided what we wanted to do after that.
We bought the following:
- Darth Vader 'Noob, I Am Your Father' t-shirt and sticker
- 'The Cake Is A Lie' sticker
- Halo trooper bobble-head
- Star Wars Stormtrooper bobble-head
- Deathnote movie limited edition DVD (I&II)
- Fruits Basket Vol. 23 (yeah, I needed it to finish my collection)
- There was probably more things, but I forgot.
It all costs so much dosh. But then again we also got soooooooo many freebies. It was like
Freebie Wonderland. My brother lost count of how many times I asked people "Excuse me, is this free?
*Smile smile*"

Ok, this is my most favourite photo.
I saw him from afar and I could swear I almost deafened my brother's right ear when I squealed "Is that Marcus Fenix from Gears Of War!?!?!"

Person X: "So Bonez, what did you do on the weekend?"
Bonez: "I was 1 metre away from Brian McFadden. Yeah whut!"

Aw, Rayman Rabbid kept getting picked on.
I seriously wanted to punch the stupid kid in the head.

TiVo! I actually licked it unintentionally.
It tasted like styrofoam.

This was actually the first photo I took there.
Link was alright at GH3, but he kept stuffing up
'cause he was jumping around and bustin' moves simultaneously.
And now, I'm studying hardcore for exams. I'm struggling so much and I'm getting so much pressure from family, especially. It's almost unbearable, I can't imagine next year. I'm actually on a break now, so I'm here typing this to the world.