...That you have made this the best day ever?
5 hours and my fingers still reek of cancer sticks.
Woke up at 10:45
Played GTA on Playstation till 12pm
Breakfast: Nutri Grain and soy milk
Talked to mum, interesting convo 'bout shoot outs and traffic disputes
Took a shower
Tried to steal from mum's wallet
Got caught out, had me chasing around the whole house
Good fun, lent me $30 instead
Got to the station at 2-something pm
Took the train, I hate ticket inspectors
Got to MC, bought a chai latte from GJ's, used the name 'Laura'
Sat near the clock for a good half an hour
Tourists were talking photos of the clock thing when it started singing
Left the clock and decided to walk up to State
Some fat guy stops in front of me as I walk
I look at him for a good 10 secs
I realised I know this person
I jump and scream on him
Lit me a ciggie and walked to Chinatown to meet up with our other Asian friends he caught up with on the way
Almost got ran over by a van
Met our Asian friends while playing Maximum Tune
Our Asians lost to other Asians
Had about 3 ciggies by then
Asians had to go tutor
Rowan and I left to go back to MC
Had 5 ciggies by then
Walked to the ramp near KFC and chilled while waiting for my 'date'/friend
Had 8 ciggies by then time we saw my friends
Said goodbye to Rowan and hellooooo to date
Saw Kevs and Let and idiot who tried to pick me up at Khoi's
"There's something I've always wanted to do since I turned 18... Buy a scratchy"
"You're the funniest guy I've ever met"
Bought two $5 scratchies
Epic fail, we both lost
"Sorry - not a winner" hahaha
Got depressed and decided to eat
Walked for ages looking for a good food place
Finally found a good food place
Ditched the good food place for another good food place
Ate at the good food place
Ate good food
Paid for the good food
Left to go Fed Square
Walked past Fed Square into the darkness of the nearby river
"Are you going to rape me?"
Walked past couples macking in the dark, so awkward
Trepassed onto a good grass place
Sat on the cliff face of good grass place
Laid down on the good grass and looked at the sky
How fail, there were no stars
"The sky looks like watery coffee"
Needed to meet dad at Crown
It starts raining, I whip out fresh umbrella
"Smooth move"
Started pouring, shared umbrella, shoes got soaked
Reached Crown lobby
Hugged, kisses on cheek
Met dad at fancy fountain place
Talked for ages
Got home
Smiled like an idiot all the way home
Doesn't sound too interesting but, my God, it was.