I am indecisive.

Album: Soviet Kitsch / artist: Regina Spektor
I began my day with the usual; wake up late, arrive to school late, come home late...r than usual time. In english we listened to some Avenue Q (a more... Explicit version of Sesame Street which deals with everyday issues such as racism, sex, etc. through musical puppets), Backstreet Boys, Aqua, the Vengaboys and the Beatles. We were all basically taking a trip down memory lane.My point is that by listening to the Beatles made me want to buy their album after school, and so I did. I really liked the album covers of most of the Beatles' albums, but I picked the album that had my favourite song (Strawberry Fields Forever) on it: Magical Mystery Tour. I bought that, a $20 iTunes card, and all this other shit that cost me a total of $150+. The rest were necessities, I can assure you.
I got home and while listening to the new CD I bought, I took a shower, painted my toenails earth and metal colour, chillaxed, ate some ice cream and read a bit more of The Secret Life Of Bees and the free JB Hi-Fi mag called 'mag'. I swear to you that I absolutely love reading the music reviews written in this magazine and all the other feature articles. Love, love, love.
Well anyway, I spent the rest of my night legally downloading music. I'm addicted to legal downloads and I don't know if that's a normal case. They have much, much better quality than most of the shit-quality songs you illegally download. Plus, it makes you feel good about it. Oh for fuck's sake, the iTunes store is more addictive than heroin.
I don't know if I mentioned this but I love album art. I began Google-ing the album art/covers for all my albums and songs on iTunes and I got really carried away. I've been doing the whole album art thing for a while, so I decided to post up 4 of my favourites. :)
Album: Intimacy / artist: Bloc Party
Growing more and more paranoid everyday.
ginx vicioux
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