Sunday, May 31, 2009
You Could Be Happy

Saturday, May 30, 2009
Serenades, Just Because

I love love love serenades.
I felt like being sweet tonight so I YouTube'd "serenades" (plural), I typed "serenade" (singular) and videos of Secondhand Serenade came up... But I found this video and it's the cutest thing I've seen!
Here's To Being Unaware That You're Gone
I spend a majority of my time alone nowadays, I've almost forgotten how to socialize.
Friday, May 29, 2009
GHD Straighteners For Sale
GOLD - $200.00
WHITE (PURE) - $200.00
BLACK (DARK) - $200.00
PURPLE - $250.00
They're all MK4 and limited edition except for gold.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Les Misérables
Though it is pleasing to know that I've met some very interesting people in the past couple of days, I can tell that these people (or this person, should I say) are worth being friends with. It does make you feel better, though not completely, the unintended effort come in masses.
Another blog entry before I lay myself to sleep, I do miss you to death, Old Flame.
It's been months since we've spoken, but I like it this way.
Our non-existing relationship is bittersweet, I will see you one day, how swell should that turn out? Yet in no form of disaster should something spark between us once more.
I love you, but I'd rather we not speak at all.
The reason why still remains a mystery.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Let's Drink To Memories We Share
It'd be interesting to see if I can get any lower than this, I'll maybe intercept into the negatives as I'm already touching the x-axis. Though I hope for a turning point, pretty soon.
I've been doing my best to keep my head up, to minimise retaliation to criticism.
Loneliness is at its best at the moment, I'm used to it now.
But you then begin to realize that despite how many boys or girls you fall for or pimp with during your time, at the end of the day (not necessarily the end of the day), you find yourself going back to the person you fell the hardest for.
Even though we don't talk anymore, I'm still happy that we don't.
Dear parent,
Once your child is down, you don't keep beating them.
Feelin' Mahseylf
I confessed, and he confessed that he didn't feel the same way.
I cried, and got over it pretty quickly.
Wow, if only that happened all the time.
Dear #3,
Starting over; 'cause I'm down if you're down.
Love always.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Beguiled; An Ugly Word For Such A Beautiful Meaning
Thea. says:
AHAHHAHAAHHAHAHAHA, you looked at me everytime you heard his name
ginx, meth says:
Thea. says:
its cute lol
ginx, meth says:
oh man, but I love talking to you about this shit LOL
Thea. says:
hahaha awwwww i feel so loved, dw i tell you everything too G
but yeah man omg im soo excited how are you gonna tell him!!??
ginx, meth says:
hahaahha bro!
Thea. says:
i shouyld get like you knwo some tips from you
ginx, meth says:
I've never done it before
like go up to the guy and be the first to tell him
Thea. says:
to tell the guys i liek
ginx, meth says:
LOL n'aw :3
I'll prob just wing it... or practice before I go to sleep
Thea. says:
you make little kids cry LOL ahahah but yeah, i love you still!
ginx, meth says:
I've only made one cry bro! I love you too man
AAAAAAAAWWWWWWW this is like online bromance
ginx, meth says:
I KNOW :3 and then today he just kept smiling at me when I passed
Thea. says:
ginx, meth says:
and it was hard to look at him man
Thea. says:
ginx, meth says:
especially when he was on that couch... 'cause he was looking at me!
Thea. says:
oh yeah near the door yeah?
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! and plus i think youtwo suit each other lol
everyone i know thats seen that photo of you and him thinks you two are going out LOL
ginx, meth says:
and then I finally decided to do some eye contact and he wanted me to pull him up from the chair but I gave him a hi5 instead
which photo man?
Thea. says:
WHY did you give him a hifive -.-
omg !!
I seriously love talking to this bitch.
Seriously one of the only girls I love talking to about boys.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
"And It Feels Like We Belong Together"
But I honestly wouldn't mind putting Friday night/Saturday early morning on repeat for the rest of my life :)
Rocky and I
Saturday/Sat. evening:Got home from Luke's at 3am, crashed on my bed. Woke up at 9 to get ready for work. Had work, and worked my ass off. It was really stressing. Then drove to Watergardens to book my hair appointment for Tuesday, I've been wanting to cut my hair for so long. I haven't had a hair cut since Jan '08! Went home and chilled.
And what a way to spend a Saturday evening, I turned down two invitations; clubbing with NJ and a thing at Rosy's. I needed to stay alcohol-free for at least 24 hours 'cause dad was due to arrive the following morning.
Sunday evening (this evening):
Finished quite a bit of homework, not as much as I had originally planned to complete. I decided to put it off until tomorrow, I've got spares anyway. I've got MySpace, Facebook and MSN to blame for my procrastination, but we all know that a majority of that is also my fault. My Sundays are generally lazy, but that's how I like them.
On another note, my ex-boyfriend wrote me a song. "Thanks for the effort" I said, I honestly could not be more honest than that. He was obviously wasting his time, and mum wanted to smack me across the back of my head for saying "Thanks for the effort." She was practically screaming "Couldn't you be nicer? You're such a bitch!" at my ear.
And I apologise to those people who've been trying to make plans with me, I'm honestly busy until the semester ends (after June 19th), so I apologise for having to postpone everything.
One of my favourite photos of the girls and I.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
My Lover Stands On Golden Sands
And eventually, you won't like me anymore.
I don't know what to do when you're around.
If only you knew what was on my mind, I need to get away from you.
Debutante ball tomorrow, I bought Rocky a present but I highly doubt he bought me one 'cause we didn't discuss gifts. I have to wake up uber early just to do my hair, make-up and clothing. Sheesh. Rocky, Kevin and Thuy are coming over at around 3, and we've got our ride waiting for us at home. I'm flipping nervous.
Iron & Wine
I'm thinking it's a sign that the freckles in our eyes are mirror images,
And when we kiss they're perfectly aligned.
And I have to speculate that God did make us into corresponding shapes,
Like puzzle pieces from the clay.
And true, it may seem like a stretch,
But it's thoughts like this that catch my troubled head when you're away,
When I am missing you to death.
They will see us waving from such great heights,
"Come down now", but we'll stay.
Such Great Heights by Iron & Wine.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I'm Not In Like With You, Well Tried
And I reject the ones that genuinely care.
I can't believe I've just realised what's happening.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
This Clock Never Seemed So Alive
"Ok, so what did you want from my locker?"
"Nothing, I just wanted a reason to be alone with you."
4 more months 'till you're gone.
Forget Him
But I can't just let these ideas go to waste, even if they mean nothing.
Fact remains, it's in my head. And this is the best way to get it out.
The music in my head, the lyrics ringing 'round and 'round.
You are the sole cause of this, but is it fair to blame?
I type in cryptic in hope that no one decrypts.
Looks don't mean anything, the quality of your humour is much more important.
Monday, May 18, 2009
I Must Refrain From Thee
Your Body Is A Wonderland

Sunday, May 17, 2009
Vulnerable And Stolen
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
Captain Furious
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Chuck Norris Can Sneeze With His Eyes Open
This is as good as it gets.
Kiss Me Through The Phone
Kiss Me Through The Phone by Soulja Boy
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Mad World
Went home and slept from 11:30am to 6pm.
I miss being awkward at school.
Ellusive DC Performance dates:
June 27th - PureXT: New Gen. (venue yet to be decided)
June 30th - Systematik Fundraiser (At MMA (Melbourne Music Academy))
July 11th - Groove (venue unknown)
I had a dream last night, but I'm gonna forget it.
I'm gonna forget it because you were my dream's main focus.
The protagonist, my hero.
But I don't even know who you are anymore.
Get the fuck out of my life, my head, my subconscious. It's been too long.
Monday, May 11, 2009
And That's How I Lost My Virginity...
I walk alongside the crowd underneath the shade of the locker bay, walking parallel to those walking in the opposite direction. I keep my head focused ahead of me with fists punching down in the pockets of my blazer, Maybe he won't see me.
But I peak up to see if I could find you, trying my best to look like I'm not looking for you. To look like I'm only admiring the scenery, but I'm not. I look like I'm expecting someone to jump out of plane in the sky, only the sky is as clear as purified water. Shit, I feel and look pathetic.
I'm walking alone, and I don't notice that you approach, alone. And as you turn to look at me, I turn my head in a snap, refocusing ahead. Well pretending to, at least. I feel my muscles twinge as the corners of my lips begin to curl. I cover my mouth, as if I expect a sneeze. But I smile instead, it's impossible not to.
I spend the whole day thinking about it. This is so strange, I think to myself.
Spent the whole night groaning in pain, my jaw wouldn't stop throbbing.
Woke up 20 minutes earlier than I usually do, got ready, waited for my brother.
Was late for class 'cause Gian hairsprayed his hair and it looked like a chem. prac. gone wrong.
Ad. gen. maths first thing in the morning up at Melton with Thea, took the bus back to Caroline Springs with Lawrence.
Laughed and gagged on my fruit/jelly cup, I swear I did not spit mandarine bits on Lawrence's blazer.
Had school photos, seriously the funniest thing in the world at the moment.
Felt sick throughout the whole day, I wanted to vomit and faint.
I was so hungry, I couldn't eat properly. But my eating's pretty decent now.
Went to the sick bay and rocked up to Methods late.
Mum talked to my boss saying that I couldn't go to work for the whole week.
Ch'yuhs. Went to Jady's house. This cute little old lady who alters dresses.
I had to have my ball dress altered, and I have never stripped in front of anyone before.
Went to Panic Pizza in Deer Park and the guy there tried to chat me up. Wtf dude?
Went joyriding with mum, went home and blogged.
Sorry to disappoint you, there are no references of 'me losing my virginity' in the text. I still have my hymen intact, thanks.
Fuck all blad, I want to drop out of school and do drugs.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Tell Me What To Swallow
Through the wall he threw me
I know he'd never hurt me
Daddy watched me sleeping
I've been praying for you silently
Daddy's love makes me whole
Without him I'm insecure
The only girl he'd ever
Love is the one who smells so pure
- by Crystal Castles
The sweetest, most disturbing song I have ever heard.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
For The Rest Of Our Lives
YFC Cluster, '09. Ty, Bonez and Jess.
The house we built in 10 minutes with 15 straws and 3 pieces of tape.
Song: Breathe Me
Artist: SIA
Album: Colour The Small One
My mood swings are tragically confusing.
After writing that previous blog entry with suppressed fury, I decided to kill some time by playing Mafia Wars on Facebook. Seriously addicted to the game, and did some general net-surfing.
After a while, I clicked the blogger tab and decided to re-read the angry entry and... I didn't realise that it was really mean. Why did I type that? But I'm not going to discard it, I tried to get a point across. Maybe one day, when my moods decide to swing again, I'll probably go back to re-read the angry entry and I'll be like "Hell yeah! That's what I'm talking 'bout!" And then play Mafia Wars.
I've realised how much of a monotonous person I really am, I'm hardly as vivacious as I used to be. I don't know about you but I find that a little saddening that I'm starting to become boring. But that's how it is, I don't know if anyone can be funny for the rest of their lives.
It's funny how most people appear to be much more different on their blogs. I'm tedious while writing, though I'm extravagantly loud in real life. How about you?
Off to practice I go.
What Is A Friend?
I'll make a fucking HUGE deal about it.
1. A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.
2. A person whom one knows; an acquaintance.
3. A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade.
4. One who supports, sympathizes with, or patronizes a group, cause, or movement
Yeah, I had to dictionary.com the word 'friend'.
I get annoyed with people (people I've only ever met or talked to once, or see on a daily basis but never really talk to, partied with once, etc.) and call me their 'friend'. Don't interrupt my conversations with my actual friends and ask/tell me something completely unnecessary just to look like you're my friend, "Fuck off" is all you're gonna get from me.
I don't usually target anyone in particular, but fuck that, I'm targeting my brother and his friends. Teenybopper wankers.
A bunch of year 8s, ok. Fair enough I met all of you boys at my brother's 13th and got along. Just a job I had to do, none of you wanted to talk to my mum 'cause she's "uncool" (FYI she's so cool, she's ice-cold) so I was appointed to looking after the party, and to get to know who all of you were and to analyse your behaviours.
Just 'cause you're friends with my brother doesn't mean you're my fuckin' friend when I've talked to you once in my whole life. Don't expect me to remember you in the next three days, 'cause I won't.
Also, to those who surf MySpace, Bebo, Asiagroove, MyBrute and whatever. Don't tell my friends that you're good friends with me. Don't think that we won't talk about it, 'cause they'll ask me "Do you know a Dianne from blah blah blah, she said that you guys were tight as", because I'll be blunt and straightforward as I'll say "Who the fuck is Dianne?" Prepare yourself for embarrassment 'cause when the day comes to when we finally meet, I'll ask you, "Why did you say you know me?" And don't give me a bullshit answer like, "Oh sorry, I thought you were another Gina." Seriously, fuck off. Make sure you've got the right person before you go opening your mouth. Yeah?
I don't know you, I don't like you and I definitely don't trust you. You're not my fuckin' acquaintance, nor are you a comrade, NOR do you support or sympathize with.
Maybe I don't have as many friends as the guys who smoke, laugh and loiter outside McDonalds after school. But I'm happy with what I've got, I don't need to look popular because my friend count is in the near thousands. I don't wanna be known or discussed about, I'd rather keep it on the down low, real.
Song: Four Horsemen Of 2012
Artist: Klaxons
Album: Myths Of The Near Future
Omg lol, I made my brother cry.
Suck it up.
This Blog Entry Will Change Your Life
Song: Ready For This (Original Dub Mix)
Artist: Robot Man (Michael Gray) Feat. Nanchang Nancy
Album: The Annual 2009 Ministry Of Sound
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Jedi Mind, Heavenly Divine, Steadily Shine In '99
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
I'll Never Stop
I'd carve our initials on apples and I'd eat 'em.
"Shut up" I'd say.
I'll pounce on you, knock you down and out. I'll slap you and beat you on the floor, you'll cry "Stop!" but I'll just cry. My hands flinging in every direction towards you, you're taking every hit in the gut. Faces wet from tears, blood and spit. Your friends'll pull me off of you and you'd call me insane as you'd walk away.
"Don't walk away" I would quietly plead, tired. Exhausted yet exasparated.
But you don't stop, you start running.
I awake, it was just another nightmare.
"Do you know what hurts the most about a broken heart?
Not being able to remember how you felt before."
- Cassie, Skins.
Forces Of Attraction
History in the morning, IT up in Melton for the afternoon, and my last class was chem. Rocky couldn't go deb practice so I decided not to go as well.
Went to Watergardens to pay off the pants I put on layby in Sportsgirl. I love that place, bought new earphones for my brother and I, bought the Triple J Hottest 100 (Volume 16) DVD (it had really good songs on it!) and the Klaxons' album, Myths Of The Near Future. I've been waiting to buy this album for ages, and it's worth it.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Shit, I forgot what I was about to type.
I'm not gonna date you even if you threaten to set explosives under my bed.
Don't tell me to loosen up, how 'bout you loosen up your grip and let the fuck go.
Who wants to go city with me this Sun.?
- Get my tongue fren. done
- Watch the new X-Men Origins: Wolverine movie
- Vintage shopping/general shopping
- Possibly shishas on Sydney Rd.
- Possibly do any of the above
Catch EDC at Groove (Heat 1) on... July 11. So watch out for that. I'm yet to announce the venue and time.
NOTE: Tie-up between GROOVETV and the upcoming NE-YO Down Under Tour. GROOVETV is offering every GROOVE State open champion the opportunity to perform and be a support act for NE-YO's tour in November. The amazing opportunity is only available to all participating dance groups in NSW, VIC, WA, SA, ACT, QLD and New Zealand (Auckland).
Woo! Thanks 'Nique for the heads up!
For lessons on how to become a wife-beater, go and visit Free Caffeine.
No, it's not a virus.
I'm Still Alive But I'm Barely Breathin'
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Pohno-Music-Slash-Comment Time
Yeah, communitychannel on YouTube. Check her out, 'cause I did ;)

Think back to your most important relationship - was it all your fault it was over? Don't know, prob yeah
Have you ever told a friend they looked good when they looked really bad? No, I'm honest
Is there anyone you would seriously punch right now if you had the chance? Yeah for fun
If your mom worked at hooters, what would you do? Laugh, then cry
You're thinking about someone right now, aren't you? I'm thinking 'bout mum working at Hooters
What do you want in a relationship more than anything? Money 'cause I'm a gold-digger. WOAH my laptop made a weird sound.
What were you doing at midnight last night? Doing something
What is your favourite thing to do on the weekend? Go out with my girrrrrrrrrrrrl, or chill at home
What's one thing people don't know about you? I love love love WWE... And Jeff Hardy
Have you ever kissed someone that was high? I've kissed someone when I was high
Did anyone see you kiss the last person you kissed? No, I think
Did you get 8 hours of sleep last night? Yeah, more than that. Like 10 hours
Last missed call? Private number :@
What was the highlight of your week? Last night's ride with Yen
Are you left-handed? I'm ambidextrous bro, but mainly left
Type up a line from a song you're listening to right now: "Fuck you! I won't do what you told me!" Killing In The Name by Rage Against The Machine
Spell your name without vowels: Gn-Krltt Mgdly
How did you wake up this morning? I woke up on my belly
What is something you really want right now? I want money, and materialistic things 'cause I'm a materialistic person.
Name something you're really good at: I can make you believe bullshit
Do you like Redbull? Yeah!
What colour is the carpet in the room you are in? Like dark... Navy blue
How many kids do you want to have? A million
What's another language you can speak? Sarcasm
Will you be with anyone in 3 months? Lol no
When was the last time someone gave you a back massage? Don't know, but I don't like massages
Do you believe that you can change for someone? No
Lol, I deleted all the other q's.
How To Save A Life
Drive until you lose the road, or break with the ones you've followed.
He will do one of two things:
Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend somewhere along in the bitterness.
And I would have stayed up with you all night, had I known how to save a life.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
I Wanna Break Every Clock, The Hands Of Time Can Never Move Again
Jaaaaai Hoooooo!
I love my beef, I love the late-night city drives from Oakleigh to Jungle Mania in Taylors Lakes. I love how neither of us have passed our learners yet (63% WHUT WHUT!), 'cause we'd crash on the highway for laughing too much.
"I remember listening to Jai Ho, and thinking, who the hell's Jay Hoe?"
"Shoosh girl! Shut ch'yo lipz! Dooooo tha Helen Keller and tawlk witch'yo hips!"
"A disco stick meaning... Glowstick..."
"The sun-roof! THE SUN-ROOF!"
"We should Skype 10-way and speak gibberish all at the same time."
"I remember Lee was like to the both of us, 'I wanna start a band guys', and I was like 'Ok, what can you do?' and he was like, 'Look cool'."
Quick blog today.
Oh and quick note, the large font-sized lines of emotion on the beginning of my blogs are songs that I'm listening to at the time. They're not necessarily what I feel. If they're not songs, then yeah. Just mad fingers typing.
Ok! Uhhhhhhhh, YOU. Yeah you. For those who're interested in performing (like bands, singing, tricks, dancing, etc.) and want a place to perform, LET ME KNOW! Contact me via email (for those of you who have my email) or just leave a comment on the blog entry.
If you enquire soon, I could probably get you a spot in PureXT. A fundraising event. Pretty sick.
Picking up the phone,
And so I'm left, short of breath,
With that heavy feeling in my chest...
Rocked up to work, only to find out that there was no work. Well I didn't know there was no work, but my boss asked me to come anyway. And just as I had my chance to run for it, my boss comes and greets me, asking me to help her update records and do administration again.
Finished around 6.
Went to practice at around 7.
Learnt Arv's chorey to Hot And Cold by Lily Allen, I've actually grown to like it. After that, we just had a chill session.
Oh! And performance dates for EDC (Ellusive Dance Crew)... Our battles/showcases are in June. There are three: Groove Dance Championship (Heat 1 I think), PureXT aaaaand I think we're doing something for the Starlight Foundation. Not too sure. So I'll post up dates as soon as I find out.
I learnt how to do tutting (kudos Brad!), waacking (properly spelt as 'waacking', not whacking. Kudos Let & Ly!) and a little bit of voguing.
I am in love with this guy's facial expressions!
Time to sleep now, big day tomorrow.
Huge youth gathering in the eeeeeaaaaassssttttttsoide!