Yeah, communitychannel on YouTube. Check her out, 'cause I did ;)

Think back to your most important relationship - was it all your fault it was over? Don't know, prob yeah
Have you ever told a friend they looked good when they looked really bad? No, I'm honest
Is there anyone you would seriously punch right now if you had the chance? Yeah for fun
If your mom worked at hooters, what would you do? Laugh, then cry
You're thinking about someone right now, aren't you? I'm thinking 'bout mum working at Hooters
What do you want in a relationship more than anything? Money 'cause I'm a gold-digger. WOAH my laptop made a weird sound.
What were you doing at midnight last night? Doing something
What is your favourite thing to do on the weekend? Go out with my girrrrrrrrrrrrl, or chill at home
What's one thing people don't know about you? I love love love WWE... And Jeff Hardy
Have you ever kissed someone that was high? I've kissed someone when I was high
Did anyone see you kiss the last person you kissed? No, I think
Did you get 8 hours of sleep last night? Yeah, more than that. Like 10 hours
Last missed call? Private number :@
What was the highlight of your week? Last night's ride with Yen
Are you left-handed? I'm ambidextrous bro, but mainly left
Type up a line from a song you're listening to right now: "Fuck you! I won't do what you told me!" Killing In The Name by Rage Against The Machine
Spell your name without vowels: Gn-Krltt Mgdly
How did you wake up this morning? I woke up on my belly
What is something you really want right now? I want money, and materialistic things 'cause I'm a materialistic person.
Name something you're really good at: I can make you believe bullshit
Do you like Redbull? Yeah!
What colour is the carpet in the room you are in? Like dark... Navy blue
How many kids do you want to have? A million
What's another language you can speak? Sarcasm
Will you be with anyone in 3 months? Lol no
When was the last time someone gave you a back massage? Don't know, but I don't like massages
Do you believe that you can change for someone? No
Lol, I deleted all the other q's.
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Thanks for sharing your post really interesting
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