Tuesday, August 4, 2009


"You have bags underneath your eyes"
"What? Like make-up bags?"
"No, like lack-of-sleep bags"

I can't help it, for four nights I've been waking up screaming from nightmares. I can never get back to sleep, always too afraid to try and close my eyes - unwanting to re-see the image.

SAAAARRRRRRPPPPPPPPP BLOGGERRRRRRRRR!? I've been having these wild nightmares for a a few nights and it's starting to annoy/bother me. The dreams are usually of realistic things such as being abandoned, raped, physically abused... Witnessing fights, shootings, Nazi Germany, massacres and revolution. I should stop reading books and stories before I go to sleep.

OK SO ONE THING I'M REALLY EXCITED FOR IS... This Sunday! I'm not excited for waking up as early as 7am to get ready though. Alex and I are watching My Sister's Keeper at 10am, attending university open days for RMIT and Australian Academy Of Design (12-2), grabbing lunch and then... SHOPPANGGGGG! After that, I'm meeting up with mah man-candy for some 'happy time' around 4? ;D HAHA SUSSSS, nah. And then dinner with my parents at Crown at 7. NOICE.

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