I am exhilarated.

That's me without any make-up on.
How feral.
Just came back from the St. Al's debutante ball. It went off. The ladies looked beautiful. Dancing was crazy. The DJ was actually really good, compared to the 'band' at my deb. I am proud to coin the term 'The Dakota' dance move after that little girl's signature dance move. I have party feet :( and I'm finding that I miss him more than ever tonight.
After work, I got my henna done on my hand at an Indian store in Cairnlea. The ladies have done a beautiful job, I oughta post it up soon I guess.
Roller-skating with the best-friend and her boyfriend tomorrow, and then PK's 18th. My eyes are burning and watering, yearning for some shut-eye. G'night folks.ginx vicioux
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