Shrink at 12:30
Bad news. Bad, bad news
Caesar salad (w/out the chicken) for lunch, yum yum
Episode in the shower
Work till 7
Movie rentals, ooh la la
17 Again, Fired Up and The Boy In Striped Pyjamas
Therefore I noticed that I didn't want to sleep in either movie...
...However while watching TBISP, I had this really huge, impulsive urge to wash my hair and cut my fringe
Like it was so bad, I kept twitching
S-s-strrrrrange much?
So after the movie, I showered and cut my fringe (as above)
So much for growing it out!
It looks fine I guess.
I'm feeling much better than I did this morning.
The more I decide to leave, the more I want to stay.
I can't believe it took me this long to realize that... ZAC EFRON IS A FKN HOT PIECE OF ASS. Yum yum
...And is it just me or is guy-on-guy action a major turn-on?
ginx vicioux
1 comment:
Major, major turn-on! Haha!
Nice blog!
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