The clown that I am, that everybody knows. Every night I wash off the thick, paint that conceals and cakes the face to create a facade, a front. Revealing the tragic reality, you'd wish you never saw it. I brush my teeth not to clean, but to expose the grime - the disdain and ugliness - and I crawl into bed and cry words of self-loathing.
And who said that you couldn't describe your feelings using words? I'd beg to differ.
I got my ad. gen. tests back; the test on complex numbers and the other test on loci and those other things. Got a B on both, pretty shattered. I was aiming for a B+ at the very least. My parents' indifference towards my grades don't really make me feel better either,
"Honey, I honestly don't care if you get a bad grade. Heck, I don't want you to get good grades at all."
Don't believe they said that? Well I'd encourage you to ask my mother especially.
Met up with the MT after school at Bourke St. Maccas and saw Long and Lee as well. The missus and I bought tickets to watch Inglorious Basterds at Melbourne Central, my shout of course. And he paid for the popcorn, coke (woops, I typed cock) and Starburst Babies. Yum yum. The movie finished, we caught the train home and had a little heart-to-heart.
The Nigeria situation's ruining us both at the moment, and I was talking to my other best friend about it. I'm caught in a rut, torn in between what I should do and what I want to do. I honestly didn't think it'd affect us at all until he mentioned, "What would happen to us?"
Had work and promised to buy little Beza a pacer just like mine, then got home to get changed for Matt and Rayvern's communion dinner celebration at Watergay's Hotel. I didn't end up going to Justin's surprise party 'cause I was grounded for coming home "late" the night before. Uh who else would call 9-9:30 late? Darn dad.
Hung out with Yen and Pio (mostly), Let and Mirah. Yen, Pio and I went crazy towards the end of the night, I honestly have not laughed and cried so much in my entire life.
I then got home and messaged Thea throughout the night and Michael just to update him with the news about Nigeria. Michael later called for a few mins (I rarely get to speak to him, mind you) and I stayed up till 1 chatting with the other best friend, Jon, while attempting to finish writing the rest of this blog.
Hello, I can't be fucked.
Love, Bonez.
The clown that I am, that everybody knows. Every night I wash off the thick, paint that conceals and cakes the face to create a facade, a front. Revealing the tragic reality, you'd wish you never saw it. I brush my teeth not to clean, but to expose the grime - the disdain and ugliness - and I crawl into bed and cry words of self-loathing.
And who said that you couldn't describe your feelings using words? I'd beg to differ.
I got my ad. gen. tests back; the test on complex numbers and the other test on loci and those other things. Got a B on both, pretty shattered. I was aiming for a B+ at the very least. My parents' indifference towards my grades don't really make me feel better either,
"Honey, I honestly don't care if you get a bad grade. Heck, I don't want you to get good grades at all."
Don't believe they said that? Well I'd encourage you to ask my mother especially.
Met up with the MT after school at Bourke St. Maccas and saw Long and Lee as well. The missus and I bought tickets to watch Inglorious Basterds at Melbourne Central, my shout of course. And he paid for the popcorn, coke (woops, I typed cock) and Starburst Babies. Yum yum. The movie finished, we caught the train home and had a little heart-to-heart.
The Nigeria situation's ruining us both at the moment, and I was talking to my other best friend about it. I'm caught in a rut, torn in between what I should do and what I want to do. I honestly didn't think it'd affect us at all until he mentioned, "What would happen to us?"
Had work and promised to buy little Beza a pacer just like mine, then got home to get changed for Matt and Rayvern's communion dinner celebration at Watergay's Hotel. I didn't end up going to Justin's surprise party 'cause I was grounded for coming home "late" the night before. Uh who else would call 9-9:30 late? Darn dad.
Hung out with Yen and Pio (mostly), Let and Mirah. Yen, Pio and I went crazy towards the end of the night, I honestly have not laughed and cried so much in my entire life.
I then got home and messaged Thea throughout the night and Michael just to update him with the news about Nigeria. Michael later called for a few mins (I rarely get to speak to him, mind you) and I stayed up till 1 chatting with the other best friend, Jon, while attempting to finish writing the rest of this blog.
Hello, I can't be fucked.
Love, Bonez.
Album of the week:
Aha Shake Heartbreak by Kings Of Leon
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