Is your mirror clean? Apart from all the drawings on my mirrors, yes
Do use tissues or a handkerchief? Tissues, handkerchieves are nasty
Weapon of choice? Army tank, and Chuck Norris
Do you throw your candy wrappers away? I keep the cool looking ones
Are you a litterbug? The only littering I do is put gum under tables/chairs/peoples' locks and zips
Do you like poison? Why would I like poison?
Last time you went to the beach? SATURDAY
Story behind your default? Passport photo, aha nah
Last time you cried? Ages ago
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? Lol @ chu
Have you ever cried over the opposite sex? Am I meant to?
Who makes you cry most often? The Love Guru, 'cause that's the funniest movie in the world
Do you cry when you're happy? No? Dude, that's like crying during sex
Do you cry when you get an injury? Nah
Do you cry when you are scared? No, I just whine a lot
Have you ever cried during a movie? Aha, especially in Click man
Do certain songs make you cry? What? No
Are you crying right now? Whathefuck no, what's with all these crying questions? Are you sad or something?
Dark Chocolate or White Chocolate? Dark chocolate tastes like gun powder. So I'd go with the white chocolate
Do you have more guy or girl friends? I don't count my friends
Have you ever stayed up all night? Not completely, I give in easily
Do you like taking walks in the rain? No, who likes that? Your chances of contracting a virus and disease grows much higher
Do you play an instrument? Piano, I call her "My Wang". So when people ask me what I'm doing tonight, I say "I'm playing with My Wang"
Are you emo/gothic/punk? Are you a cow?
Played video games till the sun came up? Um, I have a life. I know people who have though, not to name anyone in particular Jake
Told someone the story of your life? Why would I do that? My life's not that interesting
Eaten calf brains? No, I've dissected a sheep's brain before though
Swam in the ocean? No, there's generations of sewerage and hepatitis in there
Held a baby farm animal? Ooh yeah, freshly squeezed spawn
Is there something you want to say to/ask someone? "Don't hate me 'cause you ain't me". Ahahahahaha, I just want to say it 'cause its funny
What's the last thing you said out loud? "AHAHAHAHAHAA", really loudly
Do you have a cat? My neighbour has a cat named Leo, but I like to think that we share him
Are you talking to anyone? Jon, Kevin and Thea
How many windows do you have open? 8
Are you logged into an instant messanger? Yeah
Are you cold? No, but my feet have pins and needles
Are you drinking? Lots and lots of caffeine
Are you wearing jeans? I'm wearing red pants
Do you have a song stuck in your head? New Soul by Yael Naïm
Is your MySpace set to private? Yeah
If so, who are you hiding it from? Weirdos and ex-boyfriends
Would you like to learn how to pole dance? I'd rather learn how to knit and shit
Do you currently have any bruises on your body? Yeah, my knees and arms 'cause Rowan hugs me too tight and that's absolutely possible
Are you wearing a bandaid? I'm allergic to bandaids. Want me to die? (Rhetorical question)
Did you enjoy your last kiss? Huh? It's like asking me if I enjoy being naked in the middle of a windy highway
Have you ever had feelings for a friends partner? No, never
Which of your friends has the coolest job? What is it? My aunty critiques shoes for a living and gets to keep them. Lucky bitch
When was the last time you got totally wasted? Last, last Tuesday
What superstitions do you believe in? I have shitloads
What chore do you hate doing most? Getting the mail
Who do you live with? Margarita and Gian
Do you have a wall up around your heart? I have veins around my heart. What kinda weirdo has a wall? (Rhetorical question)
Do you own any guns? I have a gun in my pants
Who did you last tell all your problems too? My mum gets it out of me somehow
What did you tell them? I'm pregnant
Do you take a daily vitamin or medication? Used to
Are you addicted to anything? Caffeine
Love you, love Bonez.
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