Dreams, like movies in my head.

I've been having these dreams lately, in the heat of my room. In the sickness of my health, and in my desire to remove this physical loneliness.
The dreams are like movies. Like movies I could replay over and over, add parts to, remove parts to - only when I'm half awake and conscious. But I can't exactly play editor/director to these dream-like movies, my subconscious automatically takes over when I'm knocked out with sleep.
I've missed out on two days of school and I'm wondering what I've missed. I have my finals soon and I need to study hardcore. I have a group SAC due in today; the others in the group are professional procrastinators and they were dependent on me. Thank divinity, no marks are deducted on punctuality.
It's Melbourne Cup weekend, so this means extra long weekend. Woohoo! I've had two days off, so my weekend was tripled. I've gotten my close-friend to chip in $10 for me (for Khoi's get-smashed party on Sunday), which reminds me that I have to pay him back. I also have to buy Ambrose his birthday present. I'll get him a funny card, it's always the thought that counts.
This leads me to a new topic: teenagers OD-ing on booze.
When I say that I'm not the biggest fan of getting fucked/smashed/plastered on alcohol, then I'm not the biggest fan of getting shitfaced on alcohol. If I were to drink alcohol, I wouldn't be a fuckhead about it. I would drink a reasonable amount and prefer to keep my sanity. Cool and casual. So you kids who like to lose yourself when consuming no-good drinks, do it and see what people think about you the next day. If they even want to see you the next day.
Stay cool, don't act a fool.
Band of the day: Anberlin
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