Best last day of school y'day. Seriously.
Took the bus to school 'cause mum had to go to Camberwell and service the car. Swear it smelled like sour B.O. on the bus. Stopped at Caroline Springs Shopping Centre and got me a red slurpee from Donut King. That thing is packed with nothing but sugar, ice and food colouring.
Period 1 & 2; stayed in the lib. for spares. Thea bought a tub of ice cream and Joe and Son stole some spoons from the canteen. We shared the whole tube; Sean, Joe, Son, Thea, Hung, Geraden and I. Mm Connosieur (or however the hell you spell it). Honestly, I hate sharing liquidy food with people. Especially water and things that melt. I'm ok with chips, just not those food.
Played slaps with Geraden, Hung helped me out with my debate (the debate that got cancelled till next term O-M-F-G), and got kicked out of lib. so we went to the empty study area and got kicked out of that one too. So the only alternative was to stay outside. We sat on the picnic tables and grass with the year 12s and they started stealing our (Thea and I) things and throwing 'em into either: A) the male toilets, or B) the roof.
I'll skip to lunchtime.
Ingrid, Anastasia, Patrick, Thea, Thuy, Andrew and I blocked the hallway with chairs and pretended to have an 'Alcoholics Anonymous' meeting, then everyone started going crazy and decided to take photos. It started raining and the windows looked like something out of the 'No Air' music video, so Ingrid suggested that we pretend to be in the music video. This lasted for ages and I squeezed Alex's mumma-jummas 'cause she wouldn't let me down from her back.
School ended at 2:20pm, Thea and I ran in the rain to catch the 460 bus to Watergardens. Sean, Hung and Victor were catching that bus:
Sean: "Where are you guys going?"
Thea: "WaterG's"
Sean: "You guys might as well just tag along with us."
So we all rode that bus and decided to watch a movie. Everyone kept looking at Sean 'cause he looks like an 'emo/serial-killer', but I love him for his fucked-upness. Hung totally contrasts Sean 'cause he's the preppy cricket player. We went to JB HiFi first, and Victor And Sean seriously shop worse than females. They take so bloody long just to look at CDs. Luckily I ran into some other people I know. Thea needed to pay for her Jap school at the post office so Hung, Thea and I left to go there while Sean and Victor went to buy some alcohol for Stefan's party. They followed after, to the post office, and told us that Stefan's party was cancelled. What would we do with all the grog that Sean bought? Well, we came up with a brilliant plan and drank in the cinemas. LOL.
We watched Knowing and got intoxicated with Stefan's would've-been-party grog.
I'm gonna skip a whole lot now. Movie finished, said goodbyes though Victor left halfway through the movie 'cause he plays tennis and has a life.
Thea and I took the bus back to my place, got changed in a record time of 28 seconds into tee and trackies and made my way to dance practice, and dropping Thea off on the way.
Dance prac;
Almost vomited a number of times, luckily I didn't. Dance finished and we decided to tell scary stories. Friggin', Marcus' story about the school-built-on-hospital tickled my fear factor. I was sleeping with one eye open, keeping a look out for anything that'll pop out in front of me. Went home, died. Ended up sleeping at 1:30am.
Best last day of school y'day. Seriously.
Took the bus to school 'cause mum had to go to Camberwell and service the car. Swear it smelled like sour B.O. on the bus. Stopped at Caroline Springs Shopping Centre and got me a red slurpee from Donut King. That thing is packed with nothing but sugar, ice and food colouring.
Period 1 & 2; stayed in the lib. for spares. Thea bought a tub of ice cream and Joe and Son stole some spoons from the canteen. We shared the whole tube; Sean, Joe, Son, Thea, Hung, Geraden and I. Mm Connosieur (or however the hell you spell it). Honestly, I hate sharing liquidy food with people. Especially water and things that melt. I'm ok with chips, just not those food.
Played slaps with Geraden, Hung helped me out with my debate (the debate that got cancelled till next term O-M-F-G), and got kicked out of lib. so we went to the empty study area and got kicked out of that one too. So the only alternative was to stay outside. We sat on the picnic tables and grass with the year 12s and they started stealing our (Thea and I) things and throwing 'em into either: A) the male toilets, or B) the roof.
I'll skip to lunchtime.
Ingrid, Anastasia, Patrick, Thea, Thuy, Andrew and I blocked the hallway with chairs and pretended to have an 'Alcoholics Anonymous' meeting, then everyone started going crazy and decided to take photos. It started raining and the windows looked like something out of the 'No Air' music video, so Ingrid suggested that we pretend to be in the music video. This lasted for ages and I squeezed Alex's mumma-jummas 'cause she wouldn't let me down from her back.
School ended at 2:20pm, Thea and I ran in the rain to catch the 460 bus to Watergardens. Sean, Hung and Victor were catching that bus:
Sean: "Where are you guys going?"
Thea: "WaterG's"
Sean: "You guys might as well just tag along with us."
So we all rode that bus and decided to watch a movie. Everyone kept looking at Sean 'cause he looks like an 'emo/serial-killer', but I love him for his fucked-upness. Hung totally contrasts Sean 'cause he's the preppy cricket player. We went to JB HiFi first, and Victor And Sean seriously shop worse than females. They take so bloody long just to look at CDs. Luckily I ran into some other people I know. Thea needed to pay for her Jap school at the post office so Hung, Thea and I left to go there while Sean and Victor went to buy some alcohol for Stefan's party. They followed after, to the post office, and told us that Stefan's party was cancelled. What would we do with all the grog that Sean bought? Well, we came up with a brilliant plan and drank in the cinemas. LOL.
We watched Knowing and got intoxicated with Stefan's would've-been-party grog.
I'm gonna skip a whole lot now. Movie finished, said goodbyes though Victor left halfway through the movie 'cause he plays tennis and has a life.
Thea and I took the bus back to my place, got changed in a record time of 28 seconds into tee and trackies and made my way to dance practice, and dropping Thea off on the way.
Dance prac;
Almost vomited a number of times, luckily I didn't. Dance finished and we decided to tell scary stories. Friggin', Marcus' story about the school-built-on-hospital tickled my fear factor. I was sleeping with one eye open, keeping a look out for anything that'll pop out in front of me. Went home, died. Ended up sleeping at 1:30am.

Woke up at 9am, showered and got dressed for work.
Right now I'm avoid talking about work so I'll skip to finishing time, 3pm.
Walked over to Cairnlea Shopping Centre after work to grab something to eat. I only had literally a handful of Cornflakes and a Milo yogurt. Decided to go for sushi, thinking I had a sufficient amount of coins to buy 2 rolls.
Went there, saw the cute sushi guy and got my two handrolls. I dig my wallet for coins. EPIC FAILURE, I only have $1.50 and a whole load of 10c coins. I tell him that I'll just take one roll, and he goes, "Don't you have enough cash?" I shake my head.
"Don't worry about it." Smile smile dimples smile smile some more. He's so cute.
"Ok, here are all my coins" and I scoop out all my coins and dump 'em on his hands and run.
Bonez. You. Are. An. Idiot.
Anyway, went out and ate my rolls. Dropped rice like everywhere and the people at the kebab shop were looking at me. Like, I can't eat when people are watching me like I'm on the Discovery Channel.
I realize I'm thirsty and look at my wallet. Bonez you titty-squitter, I realize I have a $5 note.
So I run to Coles and buy the huge bottle of Pepsi (may my insides twist at the name) for $1.
Got home, hopped on MSN and webcam'd with Hung Fu Panda. Typed up half of this blog and made my way to church.
It's like Palm Sunday tomorrow (I think) and got myself a palm. Went straight to Lauren's after (7:30pm) and partied. There was this random guy asking me for a dance battle and we battled. I lost first battle 'cause I ran outta moves. And I gained my reputation back on the second battle.
Drank, drank, drank. Danced, danced, danced.
I don't know if this is possible, but my ankles are numb. I can't feel my feet, I have a throbbing headache and my ears are ringing.
Got home, resumed this blog entry and I feel like a sweaty pig.
Goodnight Bloggers, congratulations if you made it this far into the entry.
Lots of lourve.
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