B: (Starts whipping out infamous clubbing moves)
H: "Put the dance moves away, you scare me."
H: "You look intellectually stimulating."
B: "You look intellectually gay."
Just came back from Em's and her partay was pretty wicked. Simple, but wicked. Chillaxed to some indie rock while eating vegetarian quiche and pinwheels with hummus, tzatziki, celery, carrots, vodka-tinted punch and easter eggs.
After, we played Singstar and THAT was funny. During one of the songs, we started smearing cheesecake in each others' faces while screaming to 1985 by Bowling For Soup.
The girls were blowing bubbles and I DO RECALL ASKING SOMEONE IF THE BUBBLES WERE EDIBLE. They said yes so I started joining in on the fad. BASTARDS. Carly tells me it's NOT edible when she sees me running after bubbles with my mouth wide open and Alex shoves the bloody bubble blowing stick in my mouth and all I could taste was SOAP.
I love these Singstar nights with the girls, it'll never get old.
Pretty happy-chappy at the moment. Aren't you?
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