For reasons unknown.
I want to do crazy things, meet crazy people, and make crazy money. I'm going to travel the world, cliff-dive, sky-dive, bunjee jump, act a fool, and work crazy jobs. Anything, 'cause you only live once. I want to breathe air, none of this pollution shit. Immaturity is a state of being which I shall permanently live by, even at the age of 80 - if I ever get there. I'll fall in love, do extreme shit 'cause that's what love does to you. I'll play Guitar Hero III 10 hours straight, watch every WWE match in the history of WWE. Have a kid, and show my damn offspring some unconditional TLC. I'll meet famous people, meet people who will inspire me, meet people with fried brains, meet people I'll remember forever.
I'll be sad, I'll be happy, I'll be mad, I'll get high. I'll get stoned, I'll drink the bong water. I'll get a tattoo on my ass that says 'Bitch', I'll hallucinate and swear that I see a purple dragon crawl out of that couch. I'm gonna jump off buildings, get dreads and shave my head, pretend I'm Wonder Woman for a day, go to a gay bar, drive a golf buggy into a tree, imitate Jackass the movie, snowboard 'till my legs break, break my bones, get stitches, and live my motherfucking life. Why? 'Cause I can. 'Cause when I die, I'm gonna make my flashbacks worth watching. I may be cooped up at home right now, but just see me as they release me from the place that makes me dream big. Only a few more years.
I'm not your Gina, I never was anyone's Gina. I'm my own, and I will live up to my expectations. 'Cause I'm the happiest motherfucking Larry there is.

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